By Og Mandino
Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that comes tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. All men are my brothers yet I am different from each. I am a unique creature.
Although, I am of the animal kingdom, animal rewards alone will not satisfy me. Within me burns a flame which has been passed from generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to my spirit to become better than I am, and I will. I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.
I am a unique creature of nature. I am rare, and there is value in all rarity; therefore, I am valuable. I am the end-product of thousands of years of evolution; therefore, I am better equipped in both mind and body that all the emperors and wise men who preceded me.
But my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put them to good use. I have unlimited potential.
Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday's accomplishments, nor will I indulge anymore, in self-praise for deed which in reality are too small to even acknowledge. I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will, for why should the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today?
I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.
I have been given eyes to se and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.
No beast, no plant, no wind, no rock, no lake had the same beginning as I, for I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose.
And nature knows not defeat. Eventually, she emerges victorious and so will I, and with each victory the next struggle becomes less difficult.
I will win for I am unique. I am nature's greatest miracle.
Since the beginning of time never has there been another with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my hands, my hair, my mouth. None that came before, none that live today, and none that comes tomorrow can walk and talk and move and think exactly like me. All men are my brothers yet I am different from each. I am a unique creature.
Although, I am of the animal kingdom, animal rewards alone will not satisfy me. Within me burns a flame which has been passed from generations uncounted and its heat is a constant irritation to my spirit to become better than I am, and I will. I will fan this flame of dissatisfaction and proclaim my uniqueness to the world.
I am a unique creature of nature. I am rare, and there is value in all rarity; therefore, I am valuable. I am the end-product of thousands of years of evolution; therefore, I am better equipped in both mind and body that all the emperors and wise men who preceded me.
But my skills, my mind, my heart, and my body will stagnate, rot, and die lest I put them to good use. I have unlimited potential.
Nevermore will I be satisfied with yesterday's accomplishments, nor will I indulge anymore, in self-praise for deed which in reality are too small to even acknowledge. I can accomplish far more than I have, and I will, for why should the miracle which produced me end with my birth? Why can I not extend that miracle to my deeds of today?
I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.
I have been given eyes to se and a mind to think and now I know a great secret of life for I perceive, at last, that all my problems, discouragements, and heartaches are, in truth, great opportunities in disguise. I will no longer be fooled by the garments they wear for mine eyes are open. I will look beyond the cloth and I will not be deceived.
No beast, no plant, no wind, no rock, no lake had the same beginning as I, for I was conceived in love and brought forth with a purpose.
And nature knows not defeat. Eventually, she emerges victorious and so will I, and with each victory the next struggle becomes less difficult.
I will win for I am unique. I am nature's greatest miracle.
We won 2nd place XD
atleast we got in :">
Champ: STCJ
!st: SCOS
2nd: SAP <3
Although the next day we had a really bad news. :(
and now I don't wanna think about it.
Jessica ng SAP !
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